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Sussex herd under shade of oak tree at Springwood Sanctuary.jpeg

Herd Sponsorship



We greatly value our wonderful family of Springwood Sponsors. Our daily TLC (tender loving care) is of course freely given in abundance, but daily costs for the rescued 16 horses, ponies and donkeys here are huge. Our expenses include hay, extra feeds, supplements, dentistry, hoof trimming, first aid care, bedding, vet bills and fencing. We are run by volunteers on a not for profit basis, so every penny of your very valued sponsorship goes directly to support the herds needs and wellbeing.




£10 per month enables us to support one horse's needs for one day per month and makes a huge difference to keeping them safe and well.



An invitation to visit to the sanctuary annually including one night BnB for up to 2 people with vegan breakfast in the lakeside cabin (please contact us for available dates);

 An annual tour of the sanctuary led by Jacqui where you will see the herds living wild and free, enjoy the wildlife here and experience the tranquility here with a mindful walk along the river;

A professional photo of your choice (of the horses and / or donkeys) taken by professional equine photographer Georgina Weston;
A Springwood bamboo wood pen;
Weekly updates with photos, videos and live videos, membership of our private Springwood Sanctuary Friends facebook group;
A quarterly newsletter.

Sponsorship is from £10/ m or £120/ year.


Please select monthly or yearly sponsorship below. These links will take you to our People's Fundraising account where you can choose to pay a single payment by card or PayPal or easily set up a monthly standing order. Alternatively if you'd rather set up a standing order directly to our bank account.please contact us.


Please also contact us to notify us of your sponsorship so that we can send the relevant updates and invitations to you.


Thank you very much for your support for the horses and donkeys living here. 

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The Mystical Herd

The Mystical Herd was founded in 2012 to rescue and care for previously abused horses and donkeys. Through healing, communication and relationship building the herd now thrive in mind, body and spirit. The mixed herd of mares and geldings comprise nine horses and ponies and two donkeys of varying ages.


They include four of our beautiful retirement liveries. The herd all enjoy each others company, together with the freedom to roam and forage in the vast acreage of the sanctuary. It is our privilege to enable them this unique sanctuary, along with the love, healing, freedom and understanding they need. What a joy to witness them spending their time thriving, fully engaging in life and peacefully being in their bonded forever herd.


The Mystical Herd of 11 horses, ponies and donkeys: Rhia, Nelson, Polly, Bertie, Winnie, Lady (the thoroughbreds), Charlie (Connemara x thoroughbred) Blue Moon, Kati (the ponies), Rodney and Thomas (the donkeys).


Available to sponsor: Rhia, Nelson, Winnie, Lady, Blue Moon, Rodney and Thomas

The Wild Herd

The Wild Herd joined Springwood Sanctuary in the summer of 2023. The mixed herd of mares and geldings were rescued from an equine therapy centre which had to close. It felt really important to us that we enabled this herd to be kept together in their closely bonded herd. It is after all the ethos that Springwood was founded upon. Many of them would not have survived in a domesticated setting and therefore we were very much their last chance. 


They are also joined by three of our beautiful retirement liveries. The herd of 12 horses and ponies all live together happily in their forever family. Their truly unique bonds are a delight to see and it's wonderful to see them growing in confidence since arriving here. They are happiest grazing freely on the hillside in a wide and open landscape where they can just 'be'. They live with freedom of choice and the ability to forage the abundant sanctuary land. 


Although it's meant double the amount of work and expense, we are happy to have been able to offer this second herd a home where they too are completely safe, settled and loved.


The Wild Herd of 12 horses and ponies: Triggy, Lady, Maisie, Jasper, Remy, Archie, Skye, Blue Wizard, Champ, Nemo, Bonnie and Gatsby.


Available to sponsor: Triggy, Lady, Maisie, Jasper, Remy, Archie, Blue Wizard, Bonnie and Gatsby.

Sussex herd under shade of oak tree at Springwood Sanctuary.jpeg
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